Zoning Administrator - Jennifer Wagner
The Zoning Office is open at 3pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Our Zoning Officer will also respond to emails and phone calls.
Phone: 814-266-3111 ext. 4
Email: zoning@stonycreektownship.com
The duty of the township Zoning Officer is to enforce the Stonycreek Township Zoning Ordinance and to make sure that any proposed development complies with the ordinance as it pertains to the allowable usage in various Zoning Districts, required setbacks, sufficient parking etc. The Zoning Officer is also responsible for issuing occupancy permits.
Stonycreek Township Zoning Appeals Board
Pat McGlyn, Chairman
Rick Wagner
Jason Mucker
Bill Kishlock, Alternate
The Stonycreek Township Zoning Appeals Board hears the appeals of property owners who have been denied a Zoning Permit by the Zoning Officer on the grounds that they do not meet certain provisions of the township's Zoning Ordinance. This board meets and decides whether or not to grant a variance to the Zoning Ordinance or a Special Exception to this Ordinance.
Important Documents for Download
Laurel Municipal Inspection Agency (“Laurel Codes”) - https://lmiagency.org/