We would like to invite you to participate in a newer tradition here in our neighborhood. A safe, fun Halloween experience for the children in our neighborhood….. Trunk or Treat! This event will be held in the rear parking lot of the dance studio / Township municipal building.
We need persons, businesses, organizations to decorate and man a “trunk” for this event. We had so much fun last year that we would like to make it an Oakland tradition! Please consider participating…. We can have a howling good time!
It is not too late to sign up for a trunk at our community Trunk or Treat. This is always alot of fun... Sign up as a single family or several together! Car sign-up form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXWDb-ZBpTUevdzaUM9NkoDH0xUkKw6PqCmLl4CVxYyifvzQ/viewform
If you have questions you may contact either Jen Wagner at the Stonycreek Twp office info@stonycreektownship.com or Michelle Ed at staff@oohmdance.com